Tulip Salmon Impression

Salmon Impression is a warm, suffuse blend of salmon, apricot and pink with pale marble-pink petal edges and a beguiling interior steel-blue base. It opens more apricot and pinks up as it matures. We've paired it with Tulips Apricot Impression, Big Chief, Daydream and Pink Impression in companion plantings, and cannot decide which pairings we like the best. They are all beautiful mates. Tulip Class: Giant Darwin Hybrid. Bulb size: 12 cm/up. Late April/May. HZ: 3-7. Height: 20" to 22".

Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Tulip Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 100 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 100 bulbs $48.75
5 Units 500 bulbs $232.75
10 Units 1000 bulbs $443.75
50 Units 5000 bulbs $2,163.75

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