Tulip Golden Prince Claus

This Judith Leyster sport became our favorite tall yellow Triumph after just one visit on the most glorious of spring days. Golden Prince Claus is gleaming lemon-yellow with plump, perfectly formed flowers~the very essence of spring sunshine. It is always perfect. It's wonderful paired with sibling Prince Armin too. Triumph Tulips are known to be good for forcing. Please see the Tulip Forcing Tips below. Tulip Class: Triumph. Bulb size: 12 cm/up. April/May. HZ: 3-7. Height: 22".

Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Tulip Horticultural Tips         Tulip Forcing Tips
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Available in units of 50 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 50 bulbs $27.25
2 Units 100 bulbs $51.75
10 Units 500 bulbs $246.75

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