The Idyllic Winter Wonderland

As much as we all love cozy winter evenings home in front of the fire, nestled up with our favorite book or movie, let’s be honest. There are weekends when the thought of one more cold, dreary day makes us want to scream. That’s when our Winter Wonderland specials come in, particularly if their bright pink and white tones transport us with visions of spring gardens in bloom.

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced 10% less than our already terrific prices. Imagine $9.44 per bulb! Normal shipping charges apply. Amaryllis bulb size: 30/32 cm. Planting instructions will be included (bareroot bulbs only for planting in your own containers: strictly for indoor enjoyment). Check out our whole Amaryllis collection, it’s among the largest and best priced in the United States. (Please note that the 10%-off Amaryllis sale does not pertain to this special.)

  • 3 Single Amaryllis Cherry Blossom: Snow-white, vivid pink striations, luminous green throat and a merlot-encircled eye.
  • 3 Single Amaryllis Pink Surprise: Watermelon-pink, deep magenta throat.
  • 3 Double Amaryllis Amadeus Candy: Fully double, ruffly, flouncy glistening white petals with tips brushed in raspberry to pink.
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Available in units of 9.

1 Unit 9 bulbs $84.95

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