Peony Do Tell

A Japanese-style favorite, this 1946 Auten award-winner has anemone-shaped flowers with a flouncy layer of large, 7”, pale orchid-pink guard petals filled with an explosion of rose, shell-pink and ivory petaloid segments with a bit of a yellow center glow. Our beautiful prized display and cut flower Herbaceous Peonies have been divided and nursery-grown in the Netherlands for two years prior to export. Each rootstock has varying amounts of roots and three to five eyes for optimum flower production the first spring (some rootstocks may be trimmed of old wood to allow new root growth). Mid. (May/June.) HZ: 4-8. 32" tall and 3' wide.

Peonies are The Art & Soul of Spring™.

Peony Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 3 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 3 bulbs $42.00
2 Units 6 bulbs $80.75
4 Units 12 bulbs $148.50
8 Units 24 bulbs $269.75

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