Narcissus Sinopel

(3 W-WWY) An elegant American hybrid dating back to 1974, this 3"-wide beauty has a well-overlapping ivory perianth that matures to creamy-yellow with a shallow cup edged in darker buff-yellow. A bit like a mood ring, its dainty cup is more yellow in cool temperatures and more green in warm temperatures. Narcissus Class: Small Cupped (Royal Horticultural Society Division 3). Bulb size: 14/16 cm. Late-flowering. HZ: 4-8. Height: 14" to 16".

Narcissi are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Narcissus Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 10 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 10 bulbs $10.85
5 Units 50 bulbs $49.53
10 Units 100 bulbs $90.83

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