Narcissus Polar Ice

(3 W-W) This rare award-winner has blizzard- white petals (with beautiful shoulders) and a tiny, ruffled lemon-yellow cup that matures to white with a green eye. Rediscovered in Noordwijk, NL by renown Dutch flower bulb collector Eric Breed, this scented G. Lubbe heirloom predates 1936 and is known to be a good naturalizer. It is deer- and rodent-resistant. Narcissus Class: Small Cupped (Royal Horticultural Society Division 3). Bulb size: 12/14 cm. Bloom time: April/May. Horticultural zones 3-8. Plant 6" to 8" deep and 6" apart. Height: 16”.

Narcissi are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Narcissus Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 50 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 50 bulbs $66.25
2 Units 100 bulbs $121.25
10 Units 500 bulbs $564.75

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