Narcissus British Gamble

(1 W-YPP) The gigantic, outward-facing flower opens with a perfect ivory perianth and a spectacular pale lemon trumpet with a thick apricot-pink edge. The flower petals mature to sparkling white, while the flanged, frilly trumpet gradually turns pale apricot-pink with a darker edge, to buff-cream with a pale apricot-pink edge. Standing well out of its foliage on strong stems, British Gamble puts on a most mesmerizing show. Narcissus Class: Trumpet or Long Cupped Daffodils (Royal Horticultural Society Division 1). Bulb size: 14/16 cm. April. HZ: 3-7. Height: 18" to 20".

Narcissi are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Narcissus Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 50 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 50 bulbs $62.50
2 Units 100 bulbs $119.75
10 Units 500 bulbs $546.75

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