The Magical River Special

One of our classic and most popular website specials, The Magical River Special sparkles and shimmers in a sunny, spring breeze just like a meandering river. Every spring, the magical river of Triandrus Narcissus Thalia, flanked with thick, undulating banks of Muscari armeniacum, is one of the most photographed and admired displays at the Keukenhof. Our special will help get you started in creating your own magical river: you can lengthen the display each year!

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced almost 20% less than our already terrific prices. Normal shipping charges apply. Narcissus Thalia has 14/16 cm sized bulbs~plant them 6” to 8” deep and 6” apart. Muscari armeniacum has 9 cm/up sized bulbs~ plant them 5” deep and 3” to 4” apart. Bloom time: April/May. Horticultural zones 4-8.

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Available in units of 300.

1 Unit 300 bulbs $86.95

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