Fritillaria persica Twin Towers Tribute

Named in memory of the Twin Towers, this F. persica sport reliably yields two flowering racemes per bulb. Each raceme begins with mauve-green buds that open into densely compacted, mahagony-plum florets from the bottom up. It prefers good sunlight. You’ll need about four bulbs per square foot. Bulb size: 20 cm/up. Full sunlight. Bloom time in horticultural zone 5: April/May. Plant 6" to 7" deep and 8" to 10" apart. HZ: 4-8. Height: 30".

Fritillaria are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Fritillaria Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 1 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 1 bulbs $5.75
10 Units 10 bulbs $49.75
25 Units 25 bulbs $119.75
50 Units 50 bulbs $228.75
100 Units 100 bulbs $435.50

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