Fritillaria meleagris

Commonly known as The Guinea Hen Flower, The Checkered Lily or The Snake’s Head Fritillary, F. meleagris is an heirloom species dating back to 1575. It has pendant, bell-shaped, checkered and veined flowers that are either maroon or ivory-white with grass-like foliage intermittently spaced on its slender stems. This deer- and rodent-resistant naturalizer is native to the western Himalayas and Asia Minor, and prefers rich, well-draining neutral pH soil and a bit of light shade or dappled sunlight. Mature plantings can grow taller than its usual 8” height, usually 10" to 12". You’ll need about nine bulbs per square foot. Bulb size: 6 cm/up. Full to partial sunlight. Bloom time in horticultural zone 5: April/May. Plant 5" to 6" deep and 5" to 6" apart. HZ: 3-8. Height: 10" to 12".

Fritillaria are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Fritillaria Horticultural Tips     Stinze Plantings
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Available in units of 100 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 100 bulbs $18.03
5 Units 500 bulbs $83.83
10 Units 1000 bulbs $152.95
50 Units 5000 bulbs $692.48
100 Units 10000 bulbs $1,318.63
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