Tulip Queensland

This fully double bombshell of a bloom is deep rose with crystalline, paler rose-pink petal edges that are among the most finely and intricately fringed of all. Like snow flakes, no two are the same. At the Keukenhof, it’s often featured in huge drifts underplanted with Muscari armeniacum Valerie Finnis. Tulip Class: Peony Flowering (Double Late). Bulb size: 11/12 cm. Late April. HZ: 3-7. Height: 12" to 14".

Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Tulip Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 50 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 50 bulbs $34.25
2 Units 100 bulbs $65.75
10 Units 500 bulbs $306.25
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  • Information
  • Peony Flowering Tulips
    Also known as Double Late Tulips, these breathtaking, scented tulips closely resemble peonies with long-lasting blooms. Their large, fully double blooms are superb for both the garden and for cut flower arrangements. Note: Insufficiently cold winters, winters with inconsistent cold temperatures and poor snow cover or raised bed plantings may result in Peony Flowering Tulips blooming in a single form due to poor root formation. Top size bulbs: at least 12 cm. Bloom time: Late April. Plant 6" to 8" deep and 6" apart. Horticultural zones 3-7. Height: 14" to 22" depending on the variety.

    Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

    Tulip Horticultural Tips
Peony Flowering Tulips
Also known as Double Late Tulips, these breathtaking, scented tulips closely resemble peonies with long-lasting blooms. Their large, fully double blooms are superb for both the garden and for cut flower arrangements. Note: Insufficiently cold winters, winters with inconsistent cold temperatures and poor snow cover or raised bed plantings may result in Peony Flowering Tulips blooming in a single form due to poor root formation. Top size bulbs: at least 12 cm. Bloom time: Late April. Plant 6" to 8" deep and 6" apart. Horticultural zones 3-7. Height: 14" to 22" depending on the variety.

Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Tulip Horticultural Tips
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