Corydalis solida Purple Bird

Fumewort, Bird in a Bush. It has tubular violet-purple flowers with purple-ivory flashes on its spurs. Moisture tolerant, it needs rich, well-draining soil in part shade. Deer-proof. Bulb size: 6 cm/up. April. Plant 4" deep and 4" apart. HZ: 5-8. Height: 4” to 5”.

Corydalis are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Corydalis Horticultural Tips

Stinze Plantings
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Available in units of 20 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 20 bulbs $17.25
2 Units 40 bulbs $31.50
4 Units 80 bulbs $57.25
5 Units 100 bulbs $63.25

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