Fritillaria imperialis Maxima Lutea

Dating back to 1867, this statuesque Crown Imperial has a prominent cluster of up to ten pendant, bell-shaped, vibrant yellow flowers under a showy hat of upright foliage atop a strong, almost pole-like, stem. Lance-shaped foliage adorns the lower portion of the flowering stem. Make sure to appreciate its interior beauty: each flower has green-edged white nectories that look like eyes, and prominent, long, decorative anther-tipped stamen and pistils. Fritillaria imperialis (Crown Imperial) were native to the western Himalayas as far back as 1590. Deer- and rodent- resistant, the bulbs have a rather unpleasant funky, skunky smell. Bulb size: 20 cm/up. Full to dappled sunlight. Bloom time in horticultural zone 5: April/May. Plant 6" to 7" deep and 8" to 10" apart. HZ: 5-8. Height: 36".

Fritillaria are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Fritillaria Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 5 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 5 bulbs $33.75
5 Units 25 bulbs $159.75
10 Units 50 bulbs $294.75
20 Units 100 bulbs $539.25

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