Narcissus Ice Follies

(2 W-W) A spectacular Konijnenburg & Mark variety introduced in 1963, this award-winner has a large 4" flower with icy-white petals surrounding a flat, frilled, chartreuse-yellow crown that magically turns white. It is a terrific naturalizer as well as a good forcer. You may want to consider pairing it with Ice King, the double form of Ice Follies. Nothing is more glorious than rounding a corner on a dreary spring day and discovering a brilliant swath of Ice Follies on a sunny knoll. Narcissus Class: Large Cupped (Royal Horticultural Society Division 2). Bulb size: 14/16 cm. April. HZ: 3-7. Height: 18" to 20".

Narcissi are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Narcissus Horticultural Tips     Narcissus Forcing Tips
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Available in units of 100 with volume discount pricing.

1 Unit 100 bulbs $89.75
5 Units 500 bulbs $427.75
10 Units 1000 bulbs $814.75
50 Units 5000 bulbs $3,871.25

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