Like us on Facebook for flash alerts of website specials that include prized selections from among our 800+ collection of the world's best flower bulbs and Herbaceous Peonies at amazing wholesale prices. Your clients will adore our new Must-Plant Allium Sampler as well as our classic Purple Planetoid and White Planetoid Allium Specials.
Bulgaricum's Magic Show
If you have ever observed the evolution of nervy Allium bulgaricum as it grows, you will understand our obsession with it. Its slender green stalk emerges stealthily from the soil, and, as it approaches the one to two foot mark, one can discern the development of a paper-sheathed hot Chile pepper look-alike at its apex~kind of like a strange vegetative spear. As it matures, the papery sheath tears itself open to expose 20 to 30 tightly clustered, tiny pendant buds per 6"-wide umbel (the composite flower with an umbrella rib-like structure). As the days pass, you can see the little nodding buds giving each other space as they grow on wiry 4" stems. Then, as if by magic, the buds start to levitate. As they slowly elevate into position, the little bell-shaped, plum flowers with creamy-white petal margins open to reveal interior green eyes and pink to deep plum striations. It will be a cherished, mystical prize in your clients' gardens, worthy of all of the attention and accolades it will surely receive. Some call it the Sicilian Honey Lily, likely because it was native to southern Italy and its sweet nectar attracts appreciative bumbling bees.
Easy to Plant in Warmer Gardens
A Mediterranean native circa 1873, Allium bulgaricum hovers two to three feet tall above strappy, ground-level foliage that usually starts to brown out prior to flower development. Blooming in May/June depending on the weather, it is hardy from horticultural zones 6 through 10. We've grown it in horticultural zone 5 with extra care to protect it from arctic temperature spiking by applying a two-inch layer of mulch after the surface of the garden froze. Good mulching mediums include straw, salt marsh hay or oak leaves. Plant Allium bulgaricum bulbs in the fall when the soil has cooled down to about 55°F (after two weeks of sweater weather when night time temps have hovered in the 40s). Plant them 4" to 6" deep and 6" to 8" apart in a nice spot with bright to dappled sunlight and very well-draining, neutral pH soil. It is also a terrific and unusual cut flower.
Biggest Collection of Allium in U.S.
We have a huge collection of Allium from which to choose including unusual varieties like Allium amplectens Graceful Beauty, Forelock, Hair and schubertii. No garden is complete without the presence of some of the big globe purple Allium like albopilosum, Ambassador, Gladiator, Globemaster or Pinball Wizard. The white globes, like nigrum and stipitatum Mount Everest and White Giant, are just as impactful and showy. For big garden purple and white jewelery, select The Tall Big Globe Allium Mixture.